Your puppy is guaranteed to be in good general health and free of internal worms at the time you take possession (unless otherwise stated). The first vaccines will have been administered. It is recommended that you have your veterinarian check the puppy within 72 hours of possession. If your veterinarian feels the puppy has not been represented as stated please have him/her provide a written statement as to the problem and call to make arrangements to return the puppy. This guarantee is in effect for 72 hours as we have no control over the environment once the puppy leaves Cameron Mtn Labradors. Problems caused by neglect (poison, accident) or exposure to other sick dogs within the first 72 hours will not be covered. Puppies may develop diarrhea due to stress, water or food changes. If these symptoms persist please have your puppy checked by a veterinarian for parasites common in our environment.
All breeding stock used have had their hips x-rayed and received an OFA certification from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, Inc. Hip dysplasia is caused both by heredity and environment. Your puppy is guaranteed to be free of hip dysplasia, relative for the purpose for which you purchased your puppy to the degree that it would significantly limit the activities for which the puppy was purchased. Evaluation by the OFA must be done by 26 months of age by a qualified veterinarian and x-rays submitted and rated by the OFA. If purchased for show/breeding prospect at an additional cost this guarantees that the puppy will pass hips with OFA. A diagnosis of hip dysplasia based on a veterinarians manual examination, poor x-rays or Penn-Hip scores alone do not qualify for this guarantee. This guarantee does not apply for significantly overweight puppies, accidents, or puppies allowed to jump into and out of high vehicles, including pick-up trucks. If hip dysplasia is suspected to be caused by environmental factors or poor nutrition, no guarantee shall apply for hips.
Al breeding stock is examined by a certified ophthalmologist on a regular basis. If you purchase your puppy for show/breeding stock the puppy is guaranteed to pass the annual exam by a board certified ACVO ophthalmologist and eligible for CERF. If this puppy is purchased as a pet it is guaranteed to be free of PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) and other hereditary eye defects that would cause vision problems that would significantly limit the activities of a family companion.
If your puppy qualifies for the guarantee according to the terms above, the full purchase price of the puppy will be applied toward a puppy of your choice from another Cameron Mtn litter. This credit will apply upon receipt of the following (a) The OFA evaluation denying certification and/or veterinary certification that the puppy’s hips will significantly inhibit normal life as a pet; or copy of eye exam; (b) the dogs registration papers signed over to Rebecca A. Hofmann; and (c) a statement from the veterinarian that the dog has been euthanized or neutered. The return of the puppy may be required.
In order to be covered by the guarantee:
1) The dog must carry the “Cameron Mtn” prefix in its registered name.
2) The OFA evaluation must be made no later than 26 months of age.
3) The eye exam must be with a certified ophthalmologist.
4) The dog must not have sired or whelped a litter.
5) The dog must be owned by the original owner.
6) The dog must not be overweight.
7) The dog must not be spayed or neutered prior to reaching the age of 18 months.
Cameron Mtn Labradors cannot guarantee that the puppy will breed or be suitable for showing as puppies change dramatically as they grow.
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