Puppy Questionnaire

Mail (Becky Hofmann, 18549 Cameron Road, Gordonsville VA 22942), e-mail (b.hofmann@CameronMtnLabradors.com). Or fax (540-832-2326) your completed questionnaire to Cameron Mtn Labradors and Brittanys.




Phone: Home_________________________________Work____________________________________


Number of Family Members:____________   Ages of Children__________________________________

Who will be home during the day to care for the young puppy?__________________________________

Do you own or rent?_________________

How long have you been at your current address?____________________________________________

Do you plan to move in the next 5 years?___________________________________________________

Is your yard fenced?_____________________Type___________________________________________

Explain why you want a dog______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


Have you owned a dog previously? __________What happened to your last dog?___________________

Do you plan to spay/neuter your dog?______________________________________________________

How many pets do you have now? (type and age)_____________________________________________

Who is your current veterinarian, include phone number ______________________________________


Where will your dog sleep?_______________________________________________________________

Have you used a crate to train a dog previously?______________________________________________

Have you trained any dogs to achieve titles? If so which?_______________________________________

Are you prepared to make a 14 year commitment?___________________________________________

What do you plan to do with your puppy when you go on vacation?______________________________

Do you plan to use the dog for hunting? Type of hunting_______________________________________

Are you interested in a male______________ female________________ either____________________

List your color preference, Labradors (1 preferred most, 2 least) Black_____ Yellow______ Either_______

List your color preference, Brittanys (1 prefereed most, 2 least) Orange/White______Liver/White_______

How did you come to discover Cameron Mtn Labradors? Internet search_____ Referral _____________

Facebook_______ Instagram________ Other_______________________________________________